
Monday, June 24, 2013

How to Create Data Entry Forms in Access

A database is used to organize information about people, inventory, events, sales or any kind of information. Data entry forms are the means of inputting the data into the database. Microsoft Access is a database application design and deployment tool that you can use to keep track of important information, according to Microsoft. You can keep your information stored on your computer, or you can publish it to the Web --- making it available to others with a Web browser.



    Start Microsoft Access, and then click "Objects." Click "Forms" in the drop-down menu. Select "New" as the style of data entry form you want to create.


    Choose a method for creating a data entry form. A useful way to create a new data entry form is by using the Form Wizard because it speeds up the process.


    Select the source location for the data that your form will use. The source location may be an existing database or a computer directory where new database information will be stored.


    Choose the form fields that you will use in your data entry form. Forms may be columns, tabs or data layouts. Add fields by double-clicking the field name. Type the name of the field. For example, in a customer database, fields may include customer name, address, telephone number or email address. Select the style that will meet your needs, then click "Next."


    Give the form a title. Title the form something that is easy to remember or that will give you an indication of the form's purpose, for example, "sales" or "customers." Click "Next" when you are done.


    Click the "Properties" icon on the top menu. Set the properties that are appropriate for users of the database. Grant full access to administrators but only grant data entry access to users who are not allowed to view complete customer data.


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