Most expectant mothers are thrilled with the prospect of filling and decorating a nursery. But it does take some thought. While you undoubtedly want the baby's bedroom to be cute, you also need to ensure that the space is functional and properly stocked. Create a nursery checklist, and experiment with different furniture layouts to determine what works best. Does this Spark an idea?
The most important piece of furniture for the nursery is the crib, and you will need to purchase a mattress, cover and sheets, too, because crib mattresses are almost always sold separately. A changing table, though not a necessity, is a lifesaver. Get double duty from yours by selecting a model that provides storage for supplies, and outfit it with a pad and two pad covers so that you have a spare on hand. A dresser holds baby clothes but also offers storage for an overflow of supplies. If space allows, put a comfortable chair in the room where you can both sit during feeding times.
Baby Supplies
Stock your baby's room with items you will need regularly. Keep plenty of diapers and wipes near the changing table, in addition to baby powder and rash ointment. It's also wise to keep cotton swabs, baby nail clippers, a brush or comb, a thermometer and a bulb syringe in the nursery. Always keep a clean supply of burp cloths, blankets and a few sets of spare crib sheets handy, too.
New babies go through a shocking amount of clothing and diapers. A diaper pail is a necessary accessory in the nursery, and so is a laundry basket. A standard wastebasket also comes in handy for collecting used cotton swabs and wipes.
Every nursery needs a few basic toys. Mount a mobile above the crib to give baby something to focus on. A musical mobile will offer extra stimulation. Though it may be years before your infant learns to read, keep a few books in the nursery so that you can tell bedtime stories.
Nursery Extras
Some items you might keep in a baby's room aren't necessities, but can make the space cozier and more convenient. Add a nightlight and lamp so you can adjust the lighting when baby is asleep and a CD player so you can play soothing music at bedtime. A clock helps you keep track of the time throughout the late night hours, and a baby monitor allows you to hear baby when you're out of the room.
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