By creating MS Access forms, you can manipulate information in the underlying table. These forms are made up of controls such as list boxes, combo boxes and buttons. A list box is a scrollable list of options. These options are created manually or pulled from a separate table. List boxes are often used to limit the input of data entry into that field. An option must be selected from the field options which guarantees the accuracy of the information.
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Open your Microsoft Access database. Double-click your form to open it.
2Hover your mouse over the arrows at the bottom of the form. Click the third arrow to the right of the record number. The name for this button is "New (blank) record." This adds a new record.
3Enter information into each field. Use the "Tab" button to move to subsequent fields. When you get to the list box, click the information from the list you want to store in that field. This highlights that selection. Press the "Tab" button to save your selection.
4Press the "Tab" button until you reach a new blank record. You must exit the record in order to save the information into your database.
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