
Monday, June 24, 2013

Design Ideas for a Nursery

Design Ideas for a Nursery

If you are expecting a baby, one of your most exciting tasks is arranging the nursery. While the possibilities are limitless, it is important to consider how the nursery will fit into the overall style of your home and think about your own personal touches you will want to add. Does this Spark an idea?

Color Scheme

    Plan a color scheme before beginning your project. Light colored cribs and furniture often work very well for a nursery, but dark colors can provide a sophisticated finish. Light wall colors work well for both boys and girls. Purchase some samples at your home supply company and paint them on the wall to see what they will look like from different angles and in different lights.

Wall Decoration

    Use a stencil to paint fun shapes on the wall, such as triangles, squares and circles. You can paint on the letters A, B and C to make the squares look like blocks. If you are artistic, paint a scene from your favorite story--or commission a friend to do so. You can also paint pictures of dolls, balloons, rainbows and teddy bears.


    Purchase a juvenile wallpaper border to apply near the top of the wall. Be sure it complements your paint color. MemoryBorders (see Resource 1) will take your favorite photo and turn it into trim for your wall. Use a picture of the family or one with you and the baby to line the wall, adding a unique touch to the room.


    Frame storybook pictures or posters to hang on the wall. While framing pictures does make the room look more polished, avoid hanging art work over the baby's crib.

Butterflies and Model Airplanes

    To jazz up an empty corner, hang a model airplane or a large toy butterfly from the ceiling.


    Purchase a wooden toy chest to store your baby's things. You can paint it to match the decor of the baby's nursery.


    When purchasing furniture, think about what you will be doing in the nursery. Will you nurse the baby in the room? Will you be changing the baby's diaper there? Will you be storing clothing? Furniture items to consider are a rocking chair, a changing table and a dresser.


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