Pounds are used to measure weight, while gallons are a measure of volume. Nonetheless, it is possible to convert pounds to gallons (and vice-versa) if you know the weight per gallon of the liquid. The most common liquid in these conversions is water, 1 gallon of which weighs approximately 8.345 pounds.
The Basics
If you know the volume of water in gallons, multiply that by 8.345 to get its weight in pounds. If you know the weight of water in pounds, divide by 8.345 to get its volume in gallons.
Example No. 1
Question: At the gym, you are able to bench-press a weight of 150 lbs. This is the equivalent of lifting how many gallons of water?
Answer: To convert pounds to gallons, divide by 8.345: 150 / 8.345 = 17.975. Therefore, you are able to lift the equivalent of 17.975 gallons of water.
Example No. 2
Question: Each week, the Wilson household drinks 3 gallons of whole milk. How many pounds of milk do the Wilsons drink each week?
Answer: First, you need to find out the weight of 1 gallon of whole milk. According to Encyclopedia.com, 1 gallon of whole milk weighs 8.6 lbs. To convert gallons of milk to pounds of milk, multiply by 8.6: 3 x 8.6 = 25.8. Therefore, the Wilsons drink 25.8 lbs. of milk each week.
Conversion Calculators
Online conversion calculators can make this type of conversion even easier (see Resources).
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