Your conference room will say a lot about your business to anyone who enters it. Since this is likely where you will entertain potential new clients, you want to put your best face forward. Getting the design of your conference room just right is a daunting task, but it can be easy if you decide on a theme and stick to it. When designing your conference room, you must keep in mind how the room will be used and the overall tone you wish to project.
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Decide what you are most likely to use your conference room for. While it's easy to get excited about the design aspect of the process, the most important piece of the puzzle is function. A room for impromptu staff meetings and a room for wooing new clients will look entirely different, so it's best to decide on the room's use before your purchase anything. Get an idea of the maximum number of people you'll be entertaining in this room. Settle on the types of technology and equipment you'll need. Once you settle on what the room will actually be used for, you can plan everything else accordingly.
2Settle on a design theme based on your company's needs. A tech company, for example, might want to a have a fully integrated conference room with all the latest gadgets and technology. High-definition televisions, computers, projectors and webcams would likely be necessary in a setting like this. More traditional businesses, however, may not need all of those bells and whistles. Instead, you might only require a super-sturdy conference table and plenty of comfortable seats. The utility of your conference room is the most important aspect, and your design theme should flow naturally from that.
3Choose a color scheme that fits your business that you can mold a room around. Your color scheme will convey a lot about your business, so choose it wisely. A start-up tech company, for example, might want to focus on white and other bright colors, while a distinguished financial firm is likely to find black, brown or gray more appropriate. While you won't have to make every detail fit your color scheme, it will help to provide a unifying element in the room. Choose a color to paint the walls as well and consider the effect it will have on the room. A pale blue, for example, is likely to inspire calm, while a bright yellow can bring out excitement and creativity.
4Plan your seating layout in accordance with your business style. More traditional businesses would do well to go with the classic conference table in a wood grain like mahogany. High-backed leather office chairs will provide comfort for meetings lasting several hours. For younger businesses, however, you might want to encourage a more relaxed, creative atmosphere. Consider alternative seating options like over-stuffed chairs with a lower table in the center.
5Purchase special details that fit with the color and functional themes of your office space. Though these small items may seem useless, in the end they will unify your space. Consider the types of art that should adorn the walls. Invest in water pitchers and glasses that drive home your design aesthetic. Details like carpeting, filing cabinets, lighting and plants can solidify the theme of your conference room.
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