
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Convention Decorating Ideas

Convention Decorating Ideas

Conventions provide an opportunity for groups to get together and discuss an issue, see new products or choose a plan of action. And an important part of planning a convention is deciding on the decoration. Whatever type of convention you need to decorate for, coming up with decorating ideas that will appeal to participants and visitors doesn't have to feel like a taunting proposition. It is important when you are developing your ideas to focus on the subject of your convention to help guide you through the process.

Subject of the Convention

    It is typically a good idea to create a decorate plan for a convention that compliments the subject for which the convention is being held. For example, if you are decorating for a medical convention, then including images of medical personal, equipment and other symbols of a medical nature would be appropriate. On the other hand, for a sci-fi club, you may want to use images and other memorabilia from various sci-fi books, movies and television to create the perfect atmosphere for your convention.

Products or Services

    If you are hosting a convention for a company that sells a product (or products) or offers a particular service, then using images of these products in your decorating plan or highlighting the types of services the company specializes in can be advantageous. Also consider including photos of people that will be presenting or speaking at the convention and important people in the company (such as the founder and president) as well as other key staff in your plan. Depending on your budget, you may want to incorporate high tech displays such as videos on large screens showing the products in use. Or you may prefer to create a more basic design using posters and stands.

Highlighting a Cause

    If you are decorating for a convention of individuals or organizations whose primary purpose is to help others, then consider a decorating theme in which you highlight the successes that occurred through the work of these individuals or organizations. For instance, if the convention is being held to discuss the work being done by social workers and their efforts to improve the lives of children and their families, then include in your design scheme quotes from attendees or trail blazers in the field. You can even include a display in which various professionals talk about their personal philosophy on the work. Include photos of success stories when appropriate.


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